In health care, the correct coding and billing provide the assurance of proper compensation for the services delivered. One of the codes used here is 99255hm. This code-designated as referring to the high-level evaluation and management service-is often associated with complex patient conditions. Not only does understanding 99255hm simplify billing but also improves care through more documentation and better communication among those healthcare providers. The more sophistication that is put into healthcare services, the more significant codes such as 99255hm are, which makes it pertinent that doctors be privy to its usage and implications.

Understanding 99255hm

What is 99255hm?

99255hm is a medical billing code used to communicate the level of care that a patient received. It falls under the Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes established by the American Medical Association (AMA). It is commonly utilized in billing by health professionals as payments for services rendered within patients that present with intricate medical concerns.

Definition and Class Cfc

The 99255hm code falls in the CPT coding system that was designed to standardize reporting of services rendered in medical facilities. This code, 99255hm, has been assigned to high-complexity evaluation, meaning that a high level of clinical decision and thinking needs to be done. Care service classification is important in the representation of the right level of care and in billing healthcare providers.

Importance of 99255hm in Health Care

Code 99255hm is very essential as it assists in the representation of the complexity with care distributed during a visit to the physician. This indicates that the finer points of the interactions with patients need to be captured so that healthcare professionals would be provided with time and expertise pay attributed to them. This is the reason that such a code as 99255hm is of much importance and can be highlighted by a few key points :

  • Financial Issues: For a healthcare provider, proper coding can be what separates considerable revenues from diminished pay or even claims denial. Incorrect or improper classification can impact the quality of a practice’s performance financially.
  • Practice Quality: With the accurate application of the 99255hm code, a more suitable analysis of advanced medical histories pertaining to patients is made, thereby allowing them to receive the appropriate care required.
  • Compliance and Regulation: This calls for coding compliance, ensuring appropriate application of 99255hm to support legal compliance with healthcare regulations that might lead to no audit and penalty on a facility.
  • Healthcare analytics: Data gathered through coding practices, using 99255hm, allows analysis of patient populations hence improving care models and allocation of resources.
  • Interdisciplinary Communication: Effective inter-disciplinary communication will be ensured through clear understanding of codes like 99255hm. Therefore, the members of health teams will get an easier means to be at appositions regarding the care plan of patients and how the billing processes will be undertaken.


  • The CMS has established that through proper coding, reimbursement rates will enhance by 10% for providers.
  • Research studies indicate that up to 30% of the medical billing claims are rejected at the first instance due to the presence of coding errors. Therefore, understanding codes like 99255hm are all the more important under the guidelines developed by American Health Information Management Association.

Table: E/M Codes Breakdown

Code Description Complexity Level
99221 Initial hospital care, low complexity Low
99222 Initial hospital care, moderate complexity Moderate
99223 Initial hospital care, high complexity High
99255hm Established patient visit, very high complexity Very High

Uses of 99255hm99255hm

Clinical Use Cases for 99255hm

The code 99255hm can be used in any clinical case of a patient suffering from complicated medical conditions. Here are some cases where the code will be used:

  • Multiple Comorbidities: Patients with a number of chronic disorders for which an extensive investigation is required and integral care would be needed such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. For example, the patient with COPD and CHF would have been presented with symptoms, which require extended investigation.
  • Acute Exacerbations: Patients with an acute exacerbation of a chronic condition will need extensive assessment to create an effective treatment plan. For instance, a treatment for an asthma patient who cannot breathe may need prompt evaluation and titration of drugs.
  • Diagnostic Dilemmas: Cases with undiagnosed or uncertain conditions requiring full assessment, starting from diagnostic testing and consultation. Example: the patient with a non-specific gastrointestinal complaint may require a full work-up that may exclude more serious conditions like Crohn’s disease or cancer.
  • Complex Decision Making: Situations that require a level of medical decision-making at a high level, where the pros and cons of the available treatment options are weighed. An oncologist would use the code 99255hm in describing the massive discussion and analysis in determining which chemotherapy regimens would be appropriate for a patient with metastatic cancer.
  • Post-Surgical Complications: Patients who have received significant surgical interventions and these patients come with complications that must be reviewed in detail. A patient who develops infection following surgery will require intensive treatment and, therefore, necessitate the use of 99255hm.

Workflow Using 99255hm

The application of the 99255hm code in a healthcare facility requires that particular workflow be implemented to demonstrate detailed documentation and proper billing. Below is a general workflow on the use of the 99255hm code:

  • Pre-Visit Preparation: Ideally, a history of the patient’s previous visits, current medications, and past medical or surgical history is communicated to the healthcare provider. EHR systems make this process faster, with easy access to the relevant information.
  • Comprehensive Patient Evaluation: A full history, including gathering information, a physical examination, and an assessment of the patient’s condition. An evaluation would include reviewing prior lab results and imaging studies relevant to the patient’s presentation today.
  • Medical Decision-Making: Sustain complex decision-making involving medical history, diagnostic testing, and possible treatment options for consideration. Providers should include all thought processes and rationale behind selected interventions in their recording.
  • Documentation: All findings, decision-making processes, and plan of treatments should be rendered very meticulously to support billing for 99255hm. A description of level complexity or comprehensiveness of the care should be included.
  • Billing Submission: The claim is submitted with the correct codes so that in case any information is needed it would be readily available. Follow-up of claims: Claims are followed up at regular intervals to quickly address issues or denials.

Case Study Example

To illustrate 99255hm, we turn to the following case: a 72-year-old male with hypertension, diabetes, and recent weight loss. At his appointment, he receives a comprehensive evaluation from his physician through blood work and consultations with other physicians. For this appointment, because the difficulty of his conditions requires a lot of medical decision-making, it is well-covered by using 99255hm.

Challenges and Solutions in Using 99255hm99255hm

Common Challenges

Though using the 99255hm code can optimize the care provided to patients and accuracy of billing, there are many common challenges that healthcare providers face:

  • Documentation Burden: Long documentation measures can be exhausting and even make providers burn out. Providers often weigh what amount of care to give against which kind of paperwork to keep completely detailed.
  • Coding Completeness Complexity: In coding and recurrent changes in coding rules puzzle a healthcare provider. Continuous updates and changes in coding systems result in confusion in determining the correct procedures.
  • Claim Denials: Misuse of 99255hm code will cause claim denials, which can be frustrating along with potential loss of revenue. A small mistake in documentation of this kind may result in sizeable loss for an organization.
  • Lack of awareness: On the application time of 99255hm will only risk the undervaluation of this important code, therefore, resulting in lost revenue opportunities in complex patient-managing practices.


Healthcare providers can do the following to avoid these problems:

  • Training/Education: Training programs may be a good method of keeping the employees updated with the new coding regulations and documentation standards. Education workshops may also highlight the accurate application of coding practices.
  • Technology Utilization: Documentation and billing, in general, can be made much easier by the providers with the introduction of EHR. The EHR offers enhanced coding tools that help the providers come up with the right selections of codes based on the documentation.
  • Regular Audits: This has ensured regular audits of coding practice; common errors identified and corrected that, hopefully, may improve compliance and overall revenue cycle management. To this end, there is a lesson to be learned if previous mistakes are checked regularly.
  • Improved Communication: Open communication between health care providers would help in having a better understanding of the coding practices and the intricacies involved in patient care. They would enhance discussion on the specific cases and further the knowledge and the workforce.
  • Tap Coding Experts: Coding experts can assure appropriate codes are selected while making it easier to avoid denial of claims. These experts can be assigned to review cases and support during billing.

Cost Impact of Denied Claims

Denials greatly drive down the bottom line of a healthcare provider. Research has proven that it costs anywhere from $25 to $50 per average denied claim, which does not take into consideration the actual time spent resolving the denial .

Reducing Denials

  • Training: Errors on the part of the coding staff will be minimized by regular training. A well-trained team will ensure that many complicated cases are managed and claims submitted by such a staff will be correct all means.
  • Pre-Submission Checks: Implementing some quality checking software which checks a claim for accuracy before submitting reduces the occurrence of denials. These quality checking software usually flag potential errors, giving an opportunity for corrections before final submission.

Financial Pressure on Practices Imposed by 99255hm

The usage of the code 99255hm highly influences the financial market of a healthcare provider. Such influence should be comprehended through analyzing various factors crucial to the situation:

  • Reimbursement Rates: Generally, higher complexity is associated with higher reimbursement rates with the 99255hm code. According to AMA, for practices, those reimbursement rates with the 99255hm code would be 30% higher than the lower level of codes. Consequently, its effective use can increase revenues for practice to a large extent.
  • Volume of Patients: The more patients the greater will be the revenue; specifically, procedures that have a higher level of billing, such as 99255hm, increase revenue. The more complex are the needs of the patients a practice cares for, the better positioned the practice will be to become more profitable.
  • Billing Accuracy: It reduces the risk of any claim denials to happen because of the inappropriate coding or improper documentation. In this way, the services provided by the physicians can be paid promptly without much delay. The precise bills ensure a sound revenue cycle for a practice to stay afloat with respect to finance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between 99255hm and lower-level E/M codes?

The code 99255hm is only for high complexity evaluations. It is less complex cases. Choice of a level usually depended on the complexity of the case and the amount of decision-making involved with the case.

How do you make sure the documentation is correct for 99255hm?

To ensure proper documentation, focus on capturing detail patient histories and comprehensive physical examinations plus a clear account of the medical decision-making process. In addition, using EHR systems may help simplify this documentation.

What should I do if my 99255hm claim is denied?

If it is denied, read the reason for denial and make a file of the related documentations for an appeal, if needed. All visit aspects must be documented to be legitimate as supporting your claim.

Can telehealth services use 99255hm?

Yes, though only under high-complexity evaluations, 99255hm can be used. Documentation still has to reflect the complexity and thoroughness for this level of service.

How often do coding guidelines change, and how can I keep updated?

Coding guidelines change annually. Healthcare providers should often be a part of the training sessions, subscribe to relevant publications, and make use of coding resources in better preparation of changes.

What are implications of incorrect coding for 99255hm?

Failure to effectively code 99255hm leads to denied claims. This indicates delayed payments, higher administration costs, and possible extra moves in the remitting process. The way this can be avoided is by proper documentation and knowledge of guidelines on coding.

Do specialists play a role in billings for 99255hm?

The use of specialists could be helpful for complicated cases at hand. Their information may just be what is needed to make proper documentation of the patient to increase the chances for a successful claim.


It takes a significant amount of practice in the intricacies of medical billing and patient management to accurately know how to apply 99255hm. This code helps medical providers to extract whatever they do in the complexity of their patients’ evaluations, therefore earning them remuneration according to their expertise and the amount of time utilized. Healthcare providers should invest in training, harness technologies, and enforce best practices so that streamlined coding means efficient reflection in terms of financial health and the results of patient care.


  • American Medical Association (AMA). “Current Procedural Terminology (CPT).” AMA
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). “Evaluation and Management Services.” CMS
  • American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). “Medical Coding: A Comprehensive Guide.” AHIMA
  • Medical Group Management Association (MGMA). “The Impact of Accurate Coding on Practice Revenue.” MGMA
  • Journal of Healthcare Management. “Reducing Claim Denials in Medical Billing.” JHM

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